Accident Free

Driving School, LLC

          267 879 7244                


150.00   -   2 Hours

All lessons are 2 hours long.

Driving tests are the same price as a regular lesson

if you schedule your test at the closest test center to you.

These are private lessons.  A full 2 hours in the car.

Pick up and drop off at home, school or work.

Pay as you go - no requirement to pay in advance.



Check - Money Order - Cash

We do not accept credit cards - one way we try to keep costs down.

Please make payment at the time of the lesson - Thanks


Please call at least 48 hours ahead it you need to cancel or reschedule a lesson.

Please call as early as possible if it is the day of the lesson.

267 879 7244

Cancellations at the door or No Shows will be unable to schedule again.